PFR / FreedomWorks Joint Healthcare Effort
Under Obamacare, Americans are witnessing the end of patient/physician relationship even as mounting debt and burdensome regulations steal our future. In response, Physicians for Reform and FreedomWorks are proud to announce an unprecedented joint effort to save American healthcare. Working with multiple national healthcare policy experts, Physicians for Reform has written a Consolidated Healthcare Plan.
Working Together - Imagine the Power!
FreedomWorks has called on its database of 6.9 million patients to join physicians and business leaders nationwide to advance this patient-centered, free-market alternative to Obamacare. Imagine the power of millions of patients working together with tens-of-thousands of physicians and business leaders. Together we can make a difference!!!
How Can You Help?
Action Items:
- Carry our “Patient to Doctor” letter to your physician, dentist, or chiropractor. All across America doctors are growing increasingly discouraged and frustrated with the practice of medicine under the thumb of government. Let them know Physicians for Reform is fighting on their behalf and would like them to join our effort.
- Like us on Facebook
- Share our web site with friends and family
- Join Our Team to stay up-to-date on the healthcare debate
- Support this effort with a gift of $10 or $25
- Place this “Doctor to Patient” letter in your office to let your patients know doctors are fighting to restore the patient / physician relationship. The private and complex process of medical decision-making must remain in the hands of patients and their physicians, not Washington.
- Like us on Facebook
- Share our web site with your medical colleagues
- Join Our Team to stay up-to-date on the healthcare debate
- Support this effort with a gift of $100, $250, or $500
Business Leaders
- Place this “Employer to Employee” note in the next paystub envelop to let your employees know that employers, patients and physicians are fighting to bring free-market reforms to American healthcare and restore the patient / physician relationship.
- Like us on Facebook
- Share our web site with your business colleagues
- Join Our Team to stay up-to-date on the healthcare debate
- Support this effort with a gift of $100, $250, or $500
How Physicians for Reform is using your hard earned donations:
Physicians for Reform strives to use every hard earned dollar as efficiently and effectively as possible. For example:
- We have met with many of America’s best healthcare policy experts to develop a Consolidated Healthcare Plan. This plan uses the best ideas in the country to repeal Obamacare and rebuild the American healthcare system using patient-centered, fiscally responsible ideas.
- We have presented our Consolidated Healthcare Plan to the U.S. Senate Conservative Working Group.
- We have met with many of the presidential hopefuls or their senior staffs to advance patient-centered, fiscally responsible healthcare reform.
- We are developing material for physicians nationwide to place in their offices to patients know there is another way forward.
- We are planning physicians townhalls in swing states to have presidential candidates committed to the total repeal of Obamacare come speak to physicians and business leaders.
- We are working to build a coalition of states to fundamentally restructure Medicaid, let states regain control over their budgets, improve healthcare outcomes, and let lower income Americans escape poverty and achieve the American dream.